My Favorite Recipe

My favorite recipe is how to make chicken noodle soup, using chicken, noodles, carrots, basil, oregano, salt, and pepper. You can get all of these needed ingredients at your local market and is very easy to make using the stove, crockpot, or even the microwave. The end product of the chicken noodle soup is supposed to look like this!

The Minutes Needed In Preperations, Cooking, and Readiness

The minutes, at minimum depending on your efficiency, will require 10 minutes. On the other hand, it will take 20 minutes for the cooking process but maybe more due to other factors. Once all of that is complete, you must wait at least 30 minutes for the chicken noodle soup to be ready. Here is a picture of the ingridients!

Extra Information

If you would like to download these images and google search them to find the exact and precise amount of salt and etc. you need, the download link is below!

Download link!